牟粤, 杜韫, 明海, 张松通, 邱景义

Methods of investigating structural evolution and interface behavior in cathode materials for Li-ion batteries
Yue MU, Yun DU, Hai MING, Songtong ZHANG, Jingyi QIU
图13 Li2Mn2/3Nb1/3O2F的 (a) Mn K-edge XANES图谱;(b) O K-edge XANES图谱[65];(c) AAS分析获得的元素相对比值[63]
Fig.13 (a) Mn K-edge XANES spectra and (b) O K-edge spectra of Li2Mn2/3Nb1/3O2F[65]; (c) the relative ratio of elements from AAS[63]