朱晓辉, 庄宇航, 赵旸, 倪明珠, 徐璟, 夏晖

Development of layered cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries
Xiaohui ZHU, Yuhang ZHUANG, Yang ZHAO, Mingzhu NI, Jing XU, Hui XIA
图2 (a)(b) O3P2NaxMeO2的晶体结构示意图;(c) O3-NaxMeO2的钠离子扩散路径[11](d) O3-NaxMeO2的钠离子扩散路径[11]
Fig.2 (a)(b) crystal modes of the O3-NaxMeO2 and P2-NaxMeO2; (c) the indirect Na+-ion diffusion path with the intermediate tetrahedron site in O-type frameworks[11]; (d) the direct Na+-ion diffusion path without the intermediate site in P-type frameworks[11]